Miguel Heleno
Miguel Heleno is a Staff Scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. He leads R&D projects in the area of Grid Planning and Economics and manages LBNL’s participation in the DOE Office of Electricity Research Programs. Miguel is a Senior Member of the IEEE and an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Energy Markets Policy and Regulation. He holds a MSc degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and a PhD in Sustainable Energy Systems from the University of Porto within the MIT Portugal Program. Miguel has extensive experience in energy systems research and innovation, both in Europe and the United States, in the areas of grid optimization and planning, smart grids, power systems economics and energy policy.
Spot: EERE DECARB Team - April 17th 2024
For creative, innovative, and impactful contributions to the EERE DECARB initiative and improving our understanding of economy-wide decarbonization strategies.