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Eto, Joseph H, and Robert J Thomas."Computational Needs for the Next Generation Electric Grid Proceedings."
(2011) 376.
Stadler, Michael, Chris Marnay, Jonathan Donadee, Judy Lai, Olivier Mégel, Prajesh Bhattacharya, and Afzal S Siddiqui."Distributed Energy Resource Optimization Using a Software as Service (SaaS) Approach at the University of California, Davis Campus."
(2011) 51.
Marnay, Chris, Michael Stadler, and Nicholas DeForest."The Joy of Stochastic Forecasting: An Overview of the Stochastic Buildings Energy and Adoption Model."
Lasseter, Robert H, Joseph H Eto, Ben Schenkman, John Stevens, Harry T Volkommer, David Klapp, Ed Linton, Hector Hurtado, and Joyashree Roy."CERTS Microgrid Laboratory Test Bed."IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery
26.1 (2011). DOI
Piette, Mary Ann, Ed Saribey, and Sila Kiliccote."A Demand Response (DR) Event: Benefits, Strategies, Automation and Future of DR."
Fisk, William J, Douglas R Black, and Gregory Brunner."Benefits and costs of improved IEQ in offices."Indoor Air
21.3 (2011) 357–367. DOI
Piette, Mary Ann, Sila Kiliccote, David S Watson, and Girish Ghatikar."DR Technologies, Strategies and Case Studies."
Mathieu, Johanna L, Duncan S Callaway, and Sila Kiliccote."Examining Uncertainty in Demand Response Baseline Models and Variability in Automated Response to Dynamic Pricing."2011 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference
(2011). DOI
Koch, Edward, and Sila Kiliccote."Role of Standard Demand Response Signals for Advanced Automated Aggregation."Grid-Interop 2011
Stadler, Michael, Afzal S Siddiqui, Chris Marnay, Hirohisa Aki, and Judy Lai."Control of Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Optimal DER Technology Investment and Energy Management in Zero-Net-Energy Buildings."European Transactions on Electrical Power
21.2 (2010) 1291-1309. DOI
Coughlin, Katie, and Joseph H Eto."Analysis of Wind Power and Load Data at Multiple Time Scales."
Mackin, Peter, Ron Daschmans, Ben Williams, Brian Haney, Randy Hunt, and Jeff Ellis."Dynamic Simulation Studies of the Frequency Response of the Three U.S. Interconnections with Increased Wind Generation."
(2010) 142.
DeForest, Nicholas, Florence Bonnet, Michael Stadler, and Chris Marnay."Introduction to the Buildings Sector Module of SEDS."
Olsen, Daniel, Sasank Goli, David Faulkner, and Aimee T McKane."Opportunities for Energy Efficiency and Demand Response in the California Cement Industry."
Martinez, Carlos A, Song Xue, and Martha Martinez."Review of the Recent Frequency Performance of the Eastern, Western and ERCOT Interconnections."
(2010) 63.
Eto, Joseph H, John Undrill, Peter Mackin, Ron Daschmans, Ben Williams, Brian Haney, Randy Hunt, Jeff Ellis, Howard F Illian, Carlos A Martinez, Mark O'Malley, Katie Coughlin, and Kristina Hamachi LaCommare."Use of Frequency Response Metrics to Assess the Planning and Operating Requirements for Reliable Integration of Variable Renewable Generation."
(2010) 141.
Stadler, Michael, Chris Marnay, Nicholas DeForest, Florence Bonnet, and Judy Lai."Behavioral Aspects in Simulating the Future US Building Energy Demand."2010 Behavior, Energy and Climate Change Conference
Solutions, Consortium for Electric Reliability Technology, Carlos A Martinez, L Patterson, and Howard F Illian."CERTS Research Supporting Definition and Validation of a Frequency Response Standard."
Stadler, Michael, Nicholas DeForest, Florence Bonnet, Chris Marnay, Judy Lai, and Trucy Phan."Simulation of the GHG Abatement Potentials in the U.S. Building Sector by 2050."29th USAEE/IAEE Annual North American Conference, October 14-16, 2010
Stadler, Michael, Nicholas DeForest, Chris Marnay, Florence Bonnet, Judy Lai, and Trucy Phan."Simulation of the GHG Abatement Potentials in the U.S. Building Sectory By 2050."29th USAEE/IAEE Annual North American Conference, October 14-16, 2010
(2010) 15.