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Eto, Joseph H, Janine Nelson-Hoffman, Eric Parker, Clark Bernier, Paul Young, Dave Sheehan, John D Kueck, and Brendan J Kirby."The Demand Response Spinning Reserve Demonstration--Measuring the Speed and Magnitude of Aggregated Demand Response."2012 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)2012 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (2012) 2012 - 2019. DOI


Haas, Reinhard, Hans Auer, and Michael Stadler."Introducing Competition in the Western European electricity market: A Critical Review."ENER Forum 2. Monitoring the progress of the implementation of the EU Gas and Electricity Directives: Are European markets becoming competitive? November 15-16, 2011 (2011).
Martinez, Carlos A."NERC Control and Reserves Planning Standards Integrated Overview."NERC Balancing Control and Reserves Planning Standards (2011).
Morris, Greg Young, Chad Abbey, Geza Joos, and Chris Marnay."A Framework for the Evaluation of the Cost and Benefits of Microgrids."CIGRÉ International Symposium, The electric power system of the future - Integrating supergrids and microgrids (2011).