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."CERTS Grid of the Future White Papers."Grid of the Future (1999).
Hauer, John F, and Jeffery E Dagle."Review of Recent Reliability Issues and System Events."CERTS Grid of the Future Project Team (1999) 65.
Kirby, Brendan J, and John D Kueck."Review of the Structure of Bulk Power Markets."CERTS Grid of the Future Project Team (1999) 62.


Brown, Diane H, Julie Ross, Diane Mountain, and Karen Hardy."Maryland smart siting: using GIS in siting electric power plants."91st Annual Meeting & Exposition of the Air & Waste Management Association (1998) 11.


Black, Douglas R, Brett C Singer, Robert A Harley, Philip T Martien, and Amir K Fanai."A fuel-based motor vehicle emission inventory for the San Francisco Bay Area."90th Annual Meeting of the Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (1997).