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Gross, George, Anjan Bose, Chris DeMarco, Mangalore Pai, James S Thorp, and Pravin Varaiya."Real Time Security Monitoring and Control of Power Systems."CERTS Grid of the Future Project Team
(1999) 48.
Hauer, John F, and Jeffery E Dagle."Review of Recent Reliability Issues and System Events."CERTS Grid of the Future Project Team
(1999) 65.
Kirby, Brendan J, and John D Kueck."Review of the Structure of Bulk Power Markets."CERTS Grid of the Future Project Team
(1999) 62.
Eto, Joseph H, Carlos A Martinez, Brendan J Kirby, Jim Vancoevering, John F Hauer, Jeffery E Dagle, Robert J Thomas, Robert H Lasseter, Fernando L Alvarado, George Cross, Marjorie Tatro, Abbas A Akhil, and Orman Paananen."The Federal Role in Electric System R&D During a Time of Industry Transition: An Application of Scenario Analysis."
(1999) 55.
Grønli, Helle, Tomás Gómez, and Chris Marnay."Transmission Grid Access and Pricing in Norway, Spain, and California: A Comparative Study."Power Delivery Europe
(1999) 17.
Adamson, Dan, Joseph H Eto, John F Hauer, Brendan J Kirby, John D Kueck, Carlos A Martinez, George Gross, and Mark Ivey."Workshop on Electric Transmission Reliability: DOE/CERTS Workshop Report and White Papers."
Gómez, Tomás, Chris Marnay, Afzal S Siddiqui, Lucy Liew, and Mark Khavkin."Ancillary Services Markets in California."
(1999) 54.
Marnay, Chris, M. M Suzie Kito, Dan Kirshner, Osman Sezgen, Steven J Pickle, Katja B Schumacher, and Ryan H Wiser."Restructuring and Renewable Energy Developments in California: Using Elfin to Simulate the Future California Power Market."
(1998) 139.
Sezgen, Osman, Chris Marnay, and Sarah E Bretz."Wind Generation in the Future Competitive California Power Market."
(1998) 17.
Brown, Diane H, Julie Ross, Diane Mountain, and Karen Hardy."Maryland smart siting: using GIS in siting electric power plants."91st Annual Meeting & Exposition of the Air & Waste Management Association
(1998) 11.
Black, Douglas R, Brett C Singer, Robert A Harley, Philip T Martien, and Amir K Fanai."A fuel-based motor vehicle emission inventory for the San Francisco Bay Area."90th Annual Meeting of the Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association
Keeney, Kevin, and James E Braun."Application of Building Precooling to Reduce Peak Cooling Requirements."ASHRAE Transactions
103.1 (1997) 463-469.
Braun, James E."Reducing Energy Costs and Peak Electrical Demand Through Optimal Control of Building Thermal Storage."ASHRAE Transactions
96.2 (1990) 876-887.