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Firestone, Ryan M, and Chris Marnay."Energy Manager Design for Microgrids."Consultant Report prepared for the California Energy Commission
(2005) 81.
Martinez, Carlos A."Real-Time Monitoring Tools and Multi-View Visualization for Wide-Area Operations."DistribuTECH Transmission Reliability Panel, San Diego, California
Dobson, Ian, and Benjamin A Carreras."Risk Analysis of Critical Loading and Blackouts with Cascading Events."
(2005) 147.
Kranzl, Lukas, Michael Stadler, Claus Huber, and Reinhard Haas."Strategien und Softwaretools zur effizienten Förderung nachhaltiger Energiesysteme."Zeirschrift Energy
Number 2 (2005) 32-34.
Roesener, Charlotte, Peter Palensky, Manfred Weihs, Brigitte Lorenz, and Michael Stadler."Integral Resource Optimization Network - a new solution on power markets."INDIN '05. 2005 3rd International IEEE Conference on Industrial Informatics August 10-12, 2005
(2005) 578-583. DOI
Haas, Reinhard, Lukas Weissensteiner, Michael Stadler, and Thomas Faber."Umsetzung der Energiedienstleistungsrichtlinie der EU."VEO Journal Dezember
2005-2006 (2005) 44-47.
Barbose, Galen L, Charles A Goldman, and Bernard Neenan."A Survey of Utility Experience with Real Time Pricing."
(2004) 127.
Kezunovic, Mladen, Goran Latisko, and Nitin Ved."Real-Time Monitoring and Assessment of Circuit Breaker Operations for Diagnostics and Control Applications."
(2004) 14.
LaCommare, Kristina Hamachi, and Joseph H Eto."Understanding the Cost of Power Interruptions to U.S. Electricity Consumers."
(2004) 70.
Bailey, Owen C, and Chris Marnay."Distributed Energy Resources at Naval Base Ventura County Building 1512."
(2004) 53.
Zhou, Nan, Chris Marnay, Ryan M Firestone, Weijun Gao, and Masaru Nishida."The Potential for Distributed Generation in Japanese Prototype Buildings: A DER-CAM Analysis of Policy, Tariff Design, Building Energy Use, and Technology Development."
(2004) 75.
Lesieutre, Bernard, Emily S Bartholomew, Joseph H Eto, Douglas R Hale, and Thanh Luong."The Potential Impacts of a Competitive Wholesale Market in the Midwest: A Preliminary Examination of Centralized Dispatch."
(2004) 75.
Auer, Hans, Marian Klobasa, Carlo Obersteiner, Michael Stadler, Mario Ragwitz, and Claus Huber."Modellierung von Kraftwerksbetrieb und Regelenergiebedarf bei verstärkter Einspesung von Windenergie in verschiedene Energiesysteme unter Berücksichtigung des Lastmanagements."
Stadler, Michael, Lukas Kranzl, and Claus Huber."The INVERT Simulation Tool, User Manual – Version 1.0.0, Working Paper of Phase 5 of the project INVERT."
LaCommare, Kristina Hamachi, Etan Gumerman, Chris Marnay, Peter T Chan, and Katie Coughlin."A New Approach for Modeling the Peak Utility Impacts from a Proposed Commerical Unitary Air-Conditioning Standard."
(2004) 102.
Watson, David S, Mary Ann Piette, Osman Sezgen, and Naoya Motegi."Machine to Machine (M2M) Technology in Demand Responsive Commercial Buildings."2004 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Shockman, Christine, Mary Ann Piette, and Laurie ten Hope."Market Transformation Lessons Learned from an Automated Demand Response Test in Summer and Fall of 2003."2004 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Motegi, Naoya, Mary Ann Piette, David S Watson, and Osman Sezgen."Measurement and Evaluation Techniques for Automated Demand Response Demonstration."2004 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Xu, Peng, Philip Haves, Mary Ann Piette, and James E Braun."Peak Demand Reduction from Pre-Cooling with Zone Temperature Reset in an Office Building."2004 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Moezzi, Mithra M, Charles A Goldman, Osman Sezgen, Ranjit Bharvirkar, and Nicole C Hopper."Real Time Pricing and the Real Live Firm."
(2004) 16.
Marnay, Chris, and Owen C Bailey."The CERTS Microgrid and the Future of the Macrogrid."ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
(2004) 14.
Sauer, Peter W, Kevin Tomsovic, Jeffery E Dagle, Steven E Widergren, Tony B Nguyen, and Lawrence Schienbein."Integrated Security Analysis Final Report."
(2004) 72.
Eto, Joseph H, Bernard Lesieutre, and Steven E Widergren."Transmission-Planning Research and Development Scoping Project."Public Interest Energy Research (PIER) Program
(2004) 82.
Goldman, Charles A, Nicole C Hopper, Osman Sezgen, Mithra M Moezzi, Ranjit Bharvirkar, Bernard Neenan, Richard Boisvert, Peter Cappers, and Donna Pratt."Customer Response to Day-ahead Wholesale Market Electricity Prices: Case Study of RTP Program Experience in New York."Consultant Report prepared for the California Energy Commission
(2004) 208.