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Hatziargyriou, Nikos, Hiroshi Asano, Reza Iravani, and Chris Marnay."Microgrids: An Overview of Ongoing Research, Development, and Demonstration Projects."IEEE Power & Energy Magazine
July/August (2007) 19.
Firestone, Ryan M, Frank Ling, Chris Marnay, and Kristina Hamachi LaCommare."Preliminary Estimates of Combined Heat and Power Greenhouse Gas Abatement Potential for California in 2020."
(2007) 37.
Piette, Mary Ann, David S Watson, Naoya Motegi, and Sila Kiliccote."Automated Critical Peak Pricing Field Tests: 2006 Pilot Program Description and Results."
Firestone, Ryan M, and Chris Marnay."Distributed Energy Resources for Carbon Emissions Mitigation."ECEEE Summer Study, June 4-9, 2007
Firestone, Ryan M, and Chris Marnay."Distributed Generation Dispatch Optimization under Various Electricity Tariffs."International Journal of Electronic Business Management
Vol. 5.Issue 3 (2007) 52.
Kranzl, Lukas, Anselm Brakhage, Pedro Gürtler, Jacky Pett, Mario Ragwitz, and Michael Stadler."Integrating RES & RUE policies: Comparing results from Germany, Luxemburg and Northern Ireland."ECEEE 2007 Summer Study, June 4-9, 2007
Marnay, Chris, and Ryan M Firestone."Microgrids: An emerging paradigm for meeting building electricity and heat requirements efficiently and with appropriate energy quality."European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy 2007 Summer Study, 4-9 June 2007
Marnay, Chris, Giri Venkataramanan, Michael Stadler, Afzal S Siddiqui, Ryan M Firestone, and Bala Chandran."Optimal Technology Selection and Operation of Microgrids in Commerical Buildings."IEEE 2007 Power Engineering Society General Meeting, June 24-28, 2007
Eto, Joseph H, Janine Nelson-Hoffman, Carlos Torres, Scott Hirth, Robert J Yinger, John D Kueck, Brendan J Kirby, Clark Bernier, Roger Wright, Arup Barat, and David S Watson."Demand Response Spinning Reserve Demonstration."
(2007) 71.
Motegi, Naoya, Mary Ann Piette, David S Watson, Sila Kiliccote, and Peng Xu."Introduction to Commercial Building Control Strategies and Techniques for Demand Response."
Heffner, Grayson C, Charles A Goldman, Brendan J Kirby, and Michael Kintner-Meyer."Loads Providing Ancillary Services: Review of International Experience."
Maribu, Karl M, Ryan M Firestone, Chris Marnay, and Afzal S Siddiqui."Distributed Energy Resources Market Diffusion Model."Energy Policy
Vol. 35 (2007) 16.
Parashar, Manu, Abhijeet Agarwal, Yuri V Makarov, and Ian Dobson."Real-Time Voltage Security Assessment (RTVSA) Tool Functional Specifications For Commercial Grade Application."
(2007) 30.
Stadler, Michael, Timothy E Lipman, and Chris Marnay."Aktuelle Trends in der dezentralen KWK Technologie Integration – Das kalifornische Fördermodell und dessen Implikation für die Endenergieeffizienzrichtlinie."Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung an der TU Wien, February 14-16, 2007
Brackhage, Anselm, Lukas Kranzl, Mario Ragwitz, and Michael Stadler."Invert Simulationen von budgetunabhängigen Instrumenten zur Marktdurchdringung von erneuerbaren Energien im deutschen Wärmemarkt."Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung an der TU Wien
Stadler, Michael, Timothy E Lipman, and Chris Marnay."Current trends of decentralized CHP integration – The Californian investment subsidy system and its implication for the energy efficiency directive."
(2007) 16.
Marnay, Chris."Microgrids and Heterogeneous Security, Quality, Reliability, and Availability."2007 Power Conversion Conference, April 4, 2007
Stadler, Michael, Lukas Kranzl, Claus Huber, Reinhard Haas, and Elena Tsioliaridou."Policy Strategies and Paths to Promote Sustainable Energy Systems - The Dynamic Invert Simulation Tool."Energy Policy
35.1 (2007) 597-628. DOI
Martinez, Carlos A, Robert W Cummings, Philip Overholt, and Joseph H Eto."Reliability Monitoring: The High-Tech Eye in the Sky."Public Utilities Fortnightly
Koch, Edward, and Mary Ann Piette."Architecture Concepts and Technical Issues for an Open, Interoperable Automated Demand Response Infrastructure."Grid Interop Forum