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DeForest, Nicholas, Michael Stadler, Chris Marnay, and Jonathan Donadee."Microgrid Dispatch for Macrogrid Peak-Demand Mitigation."2011 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings (2012).
Rosa, M A.D, Miguel Heleno, D Issicaba, and M A Matos."A Hybrid Approach to Investigating the Distributional Aspects Associated with Reliability System Indices."International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (2012).
Stadler, Michael, Chris Marnay, Maximillian Kloess, Gonçalo Cardoso, Gonçalo Mendes, Afzal S Siddiqui, Ratnesh Sharma, Olivier Mégel, and Judy Lai."Optimal Planning and Operation of Smart Grids with Electric Vehicle Interconnection."Journal of Energy Engineering, Special Issue: Challenges and opportunities in the 21st century energy infrastructure 138.2 (2012) 95-108. DOI