X Author: Miguel Heleno
iria, jose, Miguel Heleno, and Gonçalo Cardoso."Optimal sizing and placement of energy storage systems and on-load tap changer transformers in distribution networks."Applied Energy
250 (2019) 1147 - 1157. DOI
Domenech, Carmen Bas, and Miguel Heleno."Estimating the Value of Second Life Batteries for Residential Prosumers."2019 IEEE Milan PowerTech2019 IEEE Milan PowerTech
(2019). DOI
Domenech, Carmen Bas, and Miguel Heleno."Comparing Values of Second Life Batteries to Different Classes of Prosumers in California."2019 IEEE Green Technologies Conference(GreenTech)2019 IEEE Green Technologies Conference(GreenTech)
(2019). DOI
Cardoso, Gonçalo, thomas brouhard, Nicholas DeForest, Dai Wang, Miguel Heleno, and Leander Kotzur."Battery aging in multi-energy microgrid design using mixed integer linear programming."Applied Energy
231 (2018) 1059 - 1069. DOI
Grover-Silva, Etta, Miguel Heleno, Salman Mashayekh, Gonçalo Cardoso, Robin Girard, and George Kariniotakis."A Stochastic Optimal Power Flow for Scheduling Flexible Resources in Microgrids Operation."
Abreu, C, D Rua, P Machado, J A. Pecas Lopes, and Miguel Heleno."Advanced Energy Management for Demand Response and Microgeneration Integration."2018 Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC)2018 Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC)
(2018). DOI
Cardoso, Gonçalo, Miguel Heleno, and Nicholas DeForest."ROMDST - An Optimal Design Support Tool for Remote, Resilient, and Reliable Microgrids, Phase II - Final Report."
Heleno, Miguel, Salman Mashayekh, Michael Stadler, Gonçalo Cardoso, and Rodrigo De Luis."Optimal Sizing and Placement of Distributed Generation: MILP vs PSO Comparison in a Real Microgrid Application."Intelligent System Applications to Power Systems (ISAP) Conference
Armendariz, M, Miguel Heleno, Gonçalo Cardoso, Salman Mashayekh, Michael Stadler, and L Nordström."Coordinated Microgrid Investment and Planning Process Considering the System Operator."Applied Energy
200 (2017) 132-140. DOI
Mashayekh, Salman, Michael Stadler, Gonçalo Cardoso, Miguel Heleno, Sreenath Chalil Madathil, Harsha Nagarajan, Russell Bent, Marc Mueller-Stoffels, Xiaonan Lu, and Jianhui Wang."Security-Constrained Design of Isolated Multi-Energy Microgrids."IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
33.3 (2017) 2452 - 2462. DOI
Abreu, C, D Rua, T Costa, P Machado, J.A Peças Lopes, and Miguel Heleno."AnyPLACE — An energy management system to enhance demand response participation."2017 IEEE Manchester PowerTech2017 IEEE Manchester PowerTech
(2017). DOI
Mashayekh, Salman, Michael Stadler, Gonçalo Cardoso, and Miguel Heleno."A Mixed Integer Linear Programming Approach for Optimal DER Portfolio, Sizing, and Placement in Multi-Energy Microgrids."Applied Energy
187 (2017) 154-168. DOI
Rua, David, Claudia Abreu, Tiago Costa, and Miguel Heleno."Automation and user interaction schemes for home energy management - a combined approach."2016 IEEE 21st International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA)2016 IEEE 21st International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA)
(2016). DOI
Heleno, Miguel, Manuel A Matos, and J.A Peças Lopes."A bottom-up approach to leverage the participation of residential aggregators in reserve services markets."Electric Power Systems Research
136 (2016) 425 - 433. DOI
Heleno, Miguel, R Soares, J Sumaili, R.J Bessa, L Seca, and Manuel A Matos."Estimation of the flexibility range in the transmission-distribution boundary."2015 IEEE Eindhoven PowerTech2015 IEEE Eindhoven PowerTech
(2015). DOI
Heleno, Miguel, D Rua, C Gouveia, A Madureira, M A Matos, J P Lopes, Nuno Silva, and Sergio Salustio."Optimizing PV self-consumption through electric water heater modeling and scheduling."2015 IEEE Eindhoven PowerTech2015 IEEE Eindhoven PowerTech
(2015). DOI
Heleno, Miguel, Manuel A Matos, and J A.Pecas Lopes."Availability and Flexibility of Loads for the Provision of Reserve."IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
6.2 (2015) 667 - 674. DOI
Iria, J P, F J Soares, A G Madureira, and Miguel Heleno."Availability of household loads to participate in demand response."2014 IEEE 8th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO)2014 IEEE 8th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO2014)
(2014). DOI
Heleno, Miguel, Manuel A Matos, J A.Pecas Lopes, and J P Iria."Estimating the flexible residential load using appliances availability."2014 IEEE 8th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO)2014 IEEE 8th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO2014)
(2014). DOI
Heleno, Miguel, Jean Sumaili, José Meirinhos, and Mauro A da Rosa."A linearized approach to the Symmetric Fuzzy Power Flow for the application to real systems."International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems
54 (2014) 610 - 618. DOI
Heleno, Miguel, J Meirinhos, J Sumaili, M.A da Rosa, and M.A Matos."Impact Assessment of a Massive Integration of Electric Vehicles through the Fuzzy Power Flow Analysis."MedPower 2014MedPower 2014
(2014). DOI
Heleno, Miguel, Manuel A Matos, and J A.Pecas Lopes."Availability of thermal loads to provide reserve services."2013 IEEE Grenoble PowerTech2013 IEEE Grenoble Conference
(2013). DOI
Rosa, M A.D, Miguel Heleno, D Issicaba, and M A Matos."A Hybrid Approach to Investigating the Distributional Aspects Associated with Reliability System Indices."International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems
da Rosa, M A, Miguel Heleno, V Miranda, M A Matos, and R Ferreira."Reliability impact on bulk generation system considering high penetration of electric vehicles."2011 IEEE PES PowerTech - Trondheim2011 IEEE Trondheim PowerTech
(2011). DOI