Publications: RTINA

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Kueck, John D, Dmitry Kosterev, John Undrill, and Joseph H Eto."Voltage sag and recovery influence for modeling motor loads."2014 IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) Transmission & Distribution Conference & Exposition (2014) 1 - 5. DOI
Fisher, Emily, and Joseph H Eto."Congestion Measures for Organized Markets in the U.S.."IEEE 47th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS) (2014). DOI


Bravo, Richard J, Robert J Yinger, Steven Robles, and Joseph H Eto."FIDVR Events Analysis, Part I."Proceedings of the IEEE PES General Meeting (2013). DOI
Bravo, Richard J, Robert J Yinger, Steven Robles, and Joseph H Eto."FIDVR in Distribution Circuits."Proceedings of the IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (2013). DOI