X Author: Chris Marnay
Marnay, Chris, Joseph S Chard, Kristina Hamachi LaCommare, Timothy E Lipman, Mithra M Moezzi, Boubékeur Ouaglal, and Afzal S Siddiqui."Modeling of customer adoption of distributed energy resources."
(2001) 121.
Siddiqui, Afzal S, Chris Marnay, Kristina Hamachi LaCommare, and F. F Javier Rubio."Customer Adoption of Small-Scale On-Site Power Generation."European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy Summer Study 2001
Marnay, Chris, Kristina Hamachi LaCommare, Mark Khavkin, and Afzal S Siddiqui."Direct Participation of Electrical Loads in the California Independent System Operator Markets During the Summer of 2000."European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy Summer Study
(2001) 23.
Kueck, John D, Brendan J Kirby, Robert H Staunton, Joseph H Eto, Chris Marnay, Charles A Goldman, and Carlos A Martinez."Load As a Reliability Resource in Restructured Electricity Markets."Consultant Report prepared for the California Energy Commission
(2001) 77.
Rubio, F. F Javier, Afzal S Siddiqui, Chris Marnay, and Kristina Hamachi LaCommare."CERTS Customer Adoption Model."
(2001) 131.
Siddiqui, Afzal S, Chris Marnay, and Mark Khavkin."Spot Pricing of Electricity and Ancillary Services in a Competitive California Market."Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
(2001) 10. DOI
Eto, Joseph H, Chris Marnay, Charles A Goldman, John D Kueck, Brendan J Kirby, Jeffery E Dagle, Fernando L Alvarado, Timothy D Mount, Shmuel S Oren, and Carlos A Martinez."An R&D agenda to enhance electricity system reliability by increasing customer participation in emerging competitive markets."IEEE Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting, 2001
(2001) 247-251 vol.1. DOI
Marnay, Chris, F. F Javier Rubio, and Afzal S Siddiqui."Shape of the Microgrid."Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting, 2001, January 28-February 1, 2001
1 (2001) 150-153 vol.1. DOI
Marnay, Chris, Afzal S Siddiqui, Jeremy V Guttenplan, and Mark Khavkin."CERTS Database Brochure."
(2000) 7.
Marnay, Chris, Raquel Blanco, Kristina Hamachi LaCommare, Cornelia Kawann, Julie G Osborn, and F. F Javier Rubio."Integrated Assessment of Dispersed Energy Resources Deployment."
(2000) 138.
Grønli, Helle, Tomás Gómez, and Chris Marnay."Transmission Grid Access and Pricing in Norway, Spain, and California: A Comparative Study."Power Delivery Europe
(1999) 17.
Gómez, Tomás, Chris Marnay, Afzal S Siddiqui, Lucy Liew, and Mark Khavkin."Ancillary Services Markets in California."
(1999) 54.
Marnay, Chris, M. M Suzie Kito, Dan Kirshner, Osman Sezgen, Steven J Pickle, Katja B Schumacher, and Ryan H Wiser."Restructuring and Renewable Energy Developments in California: Using Elfin to Simulate the Future California Power Market."
(1998) 139.
Sezgen, Osman, Chris Marnay, and Sarah E Bretz."Wind Generation in the Future Competitive California Power Market."
(1998) 17.