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DeForest, Nicholas, Gonçalo Mendes, Michael Stadler, Wei Feng, Judy Lai, and Chris Marnay."Thermal Energy Storage for Electricity Peak-demand Mitigation: A Solution in Developing and Developed World Alike."ECEEE 2013 Summer Study 3–8 June 2013, Belambra Les Criques, France
Romankiewicz, John, Min Qu, Chris Marnay, and Nan Zhou."International Microgrid Assessment: Governance, INcentives, and Experience (IMAGINE)."the European Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy’s 2013 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency
Cappers, Peter, Jason S MacDonald, and Charles A Goldman."Market and Policy Barriers for Demand Response Providing Ancillary Services in U.S. Markets."
Black, Douglas R, Steven Lanzisera, Judy Lai, Richard E Brown, and Brett C Singer."Evaluation of Miscellaneous and Electronic Device Energy Use in Hospitals."World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development
10.1/2/3 (2013) 113-128. DOI
MacDonald, Jason S, Peter Cappers, Duncan S Callaway, and Sila Kiliccote."Demand Response Providing Ancillary Services A Comparison of Opportunities and Challenges in the US Wholesale Markets."Grid-Interop 2012
Feng, Wei, Nan Zhou, Chris Marnay, Michael Stadler, and Judy Lai."Building Distributed Energy Performance Optimization for China - a Regional Analysis of Building Energy Costs and CO2 Emissions."2012 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, August 12-17, 2012
Eto, Joseph H, and Kristina Hamachi LaCommare."A Quantitative Assessment of Utility Reporting Practices for Reporting Electric Power Distribution Events."IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting
(2012). DOI
Wikler, Greg, Phil Martin, Bo Shen, Girish Ghatikar, Chun Chun Ni, and Junqiao Han Dudley."Addressing Energy Demand through Demand Response: International Experiences and Practices."
Shen, Bo, Chun Chun Ni, Girish Ghatikar, and Lynn K Price."What China Can Learn from International Experiences in Developing a Demand Response Program."ECEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry
Marnay, Chris, Nicholas DeForest, and Judy Lai."A Green Prison: The Santa Rita Jail Campus Microgrid."
Eto, Joseph H, Kristina Hamachi LaCommare, Peter H Larsen, Annika Todd-Blick, and Emily Fisher."An Examination of Temporal Trends in Electricity Reliability Based on Reports from U.S. Electric Utilities."
Fisk, William J, Douglas R Black, and Gregory Brunner."Changing Ventilation Rates in U.S. Offices: Implications for Health, Work Performance, Energy, and Associated Economics."Building and Environment
47 (2012) 368-372. DOI
Marnay, Chris, Nan Zhou, Min Qin, and John Romankiewicz."Lessons Learned from Microgrid Demonstrations Worldwide."
Bode, Josh L, Michael J Sullivan, and Joseph H Eto."Measuring Short-term Air Conditioner Demand Reductions for Operations and Settlement."
(2012) 120.
Fisher, Emily, Joseph H Eto, and Kristina Hamachi LaCommare."Understanding Bulk Power Reliability: The Importance of Good Data and A Critical Review of Existing Sources."IEEE 45th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS)
(2012). DOI
Sohn, Michael D, Douglas R Black, and William W Delp."Support to DHS Chemical Detection Field Testing and Countermeasures Studies: Report to Sponsors."
Fisk, William J, Gregory Brunner, and Douglas R Black."Benefits and costs of increasing ventilation rates in U.S. offices."Proceedings of Indoor Air 2011, a219 2
Fisk, William J, Douglas R Black, and Gregory Brunner."Benefits and costs of improved IEQ in offices."Indoor Air
21.3 (2011) 357–367. DOI
Sullivan, Michael J, Matthew G Mercurio, Josh A Schellenberg, and Joseph H Eto."How to Estimate the Value of Service Reliability Improvements."IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting
(2010) 5. DOI
Sohn, Michael D, Douglas R Black, Phillip N Price, Yiqing Lin, Rohini Brahme, Amit Surana, Satish Narayanan, Alberto Cerpa, Varick Ericson, and Ankur Kamthe."Occupancy-Based Energy Management in Buildings: Final Report to Sponsors."
Koomey, Jonathan G, Hashem Akbari, Carl Blumstein, Marilyn A Brown, Richard E Brown, Chris Calwell, Sheryl Carter, Ralph Cavanagh, Audrey Chang, David Claridge, Paul P Craig, Richard C Diamond, Joseph H Eto, William Fulkerson, Ashok J Gadgil, Howard S Geller, José Goldemberg, Charles A Goldman, David B Goldstein, Steve E Greenberg, David Hafemeister, Jeffrey P Harris, Hal Harvey, Eric Heitz, Eric Hirst, Holmes Hummel, Daniel M Kammen, Henry Kelly, John A Laitner, Mark D Levine, Amory Lovins, Gil Masters, James E McMahon, Alan K Meier, Michael Messenger, John Millhone, Evan Mills, Steven M Nadel, Bruce Nordman, Lynn K Price, Joseph J Romm, Marc Ross, Michael Rufo, Jayant A Sathaye, Leon J Schipper, Stephen H Schneider, James L Sweeney, Malcolm Verdict, Diana Vorsatz, Devra Wang, Carl Weinberg, Richard Wilk, John Wilson, and Ernst Worrell."Defining a standard metric for electricity savings."Environmental Research Letters
5.1 (2010). DOI
Ghatikar, Girish, Mary Ann Piette, K Sydny Fujita, Aimee T McKane, Junqiao Han Dudley, Anthony Radspieler Jr, KC Mares, and Dave Shroyer."Demand Response and Open Automated Demand Response Opportunities for Data Centers."
(2010) 56.
Sullivan, Michael J, Matthew G Mercurio, and Josh A Schellenberg."Estimated Value of Service Reliability for Electric Utility Customers in the United States."
(2009) 130.
Budhraja, Vikram S, John Ballance, Jim Dyer, Fred Mobasheri, and Joseph H Eto."Transmission Benefit Quantification, Cost Allocation and Cost Recovery."Public Interest Energy Research (PIER) Program
(2009) 216.