Kiliccote, Sila, Mary Ann Piette, and Junqiao Han Dudley."Northwest Open Automated Demand Response Technology Demonstration Project."
Ghatikar, Girish, Johanna L Mathieu, Mary Ann Piette, and Sila Kiliccote."Open Automated Demand Response Technologies for Dynamic Pricing and Smart Grid."Grid-Interop Conference 2010
Yin, Rongxin, Sila Kiliccote, Mary Ann Piette, and Kristen Parrish."Scenario Analysis of Peak Demand Savings for Commercial Buildings with Thermal Mass in California."2010 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Stadler, Michael, Chris Marnay, Gonçalo Cardoso, Timothy E Lipman, Olivier Mégel, Srirupa Ganguly, Afzal S Siddiqui, and Judy Lai."The CO2 Reduction Potential of Combined Heat and Power in California's Commercial Buildings."Clean Tech Law & Business Journal
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Rubinstein, Francis M, Li Xiaolei, and David S Watson."Using Dimmable Lighting for Regulation Capacity and Non-Spinning Reserves in the Ancillary Services Market. A Feasibility Study."
Sullivan, Michael J, Matthew G Mercurio, and Josh A Schellenberg."Estimated Value of Service Reliability for Electric Utility Customers in the United States."
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Budhraja, Vikram S, John Ballance, Jim Dyer, Fred Mobasheri, and Joseph H Eto."Transmission Benefit Quantification, Cost Allocation and Cost Recovery."Public Interest Energy Research (PIER) Program
(2009) 216.
Herter, Karen, Josh Rasin, and Tim Perry."Development and Demonstration of the Open Automated Demand Response Standard for the Residential Sector."
Stadler, Michael, Chris Marnay, Gonçalo Cardoso, Timothy E Lipman, Olivier Mégel, Srirupa Ganguly, Afzal S Siddiqui, and Judy Lai."The CO2 Reduction Potential of Combined Heat and Power in California’s Commercial Buildings."CleanTech Law and Business Review
(2009) 19.
McParland, Charles."The Evolution of the Internet Community and the "Yet-to-Evolve" Smart Grid Community: Parallels and Lessons-to-Be-Learned."
Lasseter, Robert H, and Micah Erickson."Integration of Battery-Based Energy Storage Element in the CERTS Microgrid."Final Report Task 4: Value and Technology Assessment to Enhance the Business Case for the CERTS Microgrid
Granderson, Jessica, Junqiao Han Dudley, Sila Kiliccote, and Mary Ann Piette."Chilled Water Storage System and Demand Response at the University of California at Merced."9th International Conference for Enhanced Building Operations, November 17-18, 2009
Marnay, Chris, Michael Stadler, Timothy E Lipman, Judy Lai, Gonçalo Cardoso, and Olivier Mégel."Greenhouse Gas Abatement with Distributed Generation in California's Commercial Buildings."6th Annual California Climate Change Research Symposium
Stadler, Michael, Chris Marnay, Gonçalo Cardoso, Olivier Mégel, Afzal S Siddiqui, and Judy Lai."Greenhouse Gas Abatement with Distributed Generation in California's Commerical Buildings."10th IAEE European Conference, Energy, Policies and Technologies for Sustainable Economies
Marnay, Chris, Michael Stadler, Gonçalo Cardoso, Olivier Mégel, Judy Lai, and Afzal S Siddiqui."The Added Economic and Environmental Value of Solar Thermal Systems in Microgrids with Combined Heat and Power."
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Marnay, Chris, Judy Lai, Michael Stadler, and Afzal S Siddiqui."Added Value of Reliability to a Microgrid: Simulations of Three California Buildings."Cigré Integration of Wide-Scale Renewable Resources into the Power Delivery System, July 29-31, 2009
(2009) 9.
Stadler, Michael, and Timothy E Lipman."California CHP Greenhouse Gas Abatement: Contribution of Medium-Sized Commercial Buildings."
Stadler, Michael."Optimal Building Technology Selection and Operation: A Systemic Approach."
Eto, Joseph H, Robert H Lasseter, Ben Schenkman, John Stevens, David Klapp, Harry T Volkommer, Ed Linton, Hector Hurtado, and Jean Roy."Overview of the CERTS microgid laboratory test bed."Integration of Wide-Scale Renewable Resources into the Power Delivery System, CIGRE/IEEE PES Joint Symposium
Marnay, Chris, Michael Stadler, Afzal S Siddiqui, and Hirohisa Aki."Control of Carbon Emissions in Zero-Net-Energy Buildings by Optimal Technology Investments in Smart Energy Systems and Demand-Side-Management."32nd IAEE International Conference, Energy, Economy, Environment: The Global View. June 21-24, 2009
Xu, Peng, Rongxin Yin, Carrie Brown, and DongEun Kim."Demand Shifting with Thermal Mass in Large Commercial Buildings in a California Hot Climate Zone."
Stadler, Michael, Chris Marnay, Afzal S Siddiqui, Judy Lai, and Hirohisa Aki."Integrated building energy systems design considering storage technologies."ECEEE 2009 Summer Study, June 1-6, 2009
Stadler, Michael, Afzal S Siddiqui, Chris Marnay, Hirohisa Aki, and Judy Lai."Optimal Technology Investment and Operation in Zero-Net-Energy Buildings with Demand Response."22nd Annual Western Conference, Advanced Workshop in Regulation and Competition, June 17-19, 2009