X Author: Ryoichi Komiyama
Stadler, Michael, Chris Marnay, Inês Lima Azevedo, Ryoichi Komiyama, and Judy Lai."The Open Source Stochastic Building Simulation Tool SLBM and Its Capabilities to Capture Uncertainty of Policymaking in the U.S. Building Sector."32nd IAEE International Conference, Energy, Economy, Environment: The Global View, June 21-24, 2009
Komiyama, Ryoichi, Chris Marnay, Michael Stadler, Inês Lima Azevedo, Sam Borgeson, Brian E Coffey, and Judy Lai."Japan's Energy Outlook for 2050 with Stochastic Sectoral Modeling."IEEJ Energy Journal of the Institute of Energy Economics, Japan
4 (2009).
Komiyama, Ryoichi, Chris Marnay, Michael Stadler, Judy Lai, Sam Borgeson, Brian E Coffey, and Inês Lima Azevedo."Japan's Long-term Energy Demand and Supply Scenario to 2050 - Estimation for the Potential of Massive CO2 Mitigation."IEEJ Energy Journal of the Institute of Energy Economics, Japan
4 (2009).
Stadler, Michael, Chris Marnay, Inês Lima Azevedo, Hirohisa Aki, Ryoichi Komiyama, and Judy Lai."Radical Rethinking in Building Energy Forecasting - The Open Source Stochastic Building Simulation Tool SLBM."2008 Behavior Energy and Climate Change Conference, November 16-19, 2008
Marnay, Chris, Michael Stadler, Inês Lima Azevedo, Hirohisa Aki, Ryoichi Komiyama, and Judy Lai."The Stochastic Building Simulation Tool SLBM and its New Energy Forecasting Approach."Fifth Annual California Climate Change Conference, September 8-10, 2008
Marnay, Chris, Michael Stadler, Sam Borgeson, Brian E Coffey, Ryoichi Komiyama, and Judy Lai."A Buildings Module for the Stochastic Energy Deployment System."ACEEE 2008 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings