X Author: Nicholas DeForest
Lai, Judy, Nicholas DeForest, Sila Kiliccote, Michael Stadler, Chris Marnay, and Jonathan Donadee."Evaluation of evolving residential electricity tariffs."ECEEE Summer Study, June 6-11, 2011
DeForest, Nicholas, Judy Lai, Michael Stadler, Gonçalo Mendes, Chris Marnay, and Jonathan Donadee."Integration & Operation of a Microgrid at Santa Rita Jail."Jeju 2011 Symposium on Microgrids, Jeju Island, Korea, May 27 - 28, 2011
Stadler, Michael, Gonçalo Cardoso, Nicholas DeForest, Jonathan Donadee, Tomás Gómez, Judy Lai, Chris Marnay, Olivier Mégel, Gonçalo Mendes, and Afzal S Siddiqui."Smart buildings with electric vehicle interconnection as buffer for local renewables?."Researching the Intelligent City: Key Challenges of Integrating Urban Energy and Mobility Systems Research Symposium
Marnay, Chris, Michael Stadler, Afzal S Siddiqui, Nicholas DeForest, Jonathan Donadee, Prajesh Bhattacharya, and Judy Lai."Applications of Optimal Building Energy System Selection and Operation."Microgen’II: Second International Conference of Microgeneration and Related Technologies, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, 4-6 Apr 2011
Marnay, Chris, Michael Stadler, and Nicholas DeForest."The Joy of Stochastic Forecasting: An Overview of the Stochastic Buildings Energy and Adoption Model."
DeForest, Nicholas, Florence Bonnet, Michael Stadler, and Chris Marnay."Introduction to the Buildings Sector Module of SEDS."
Stadler, Michael, Chris Marnay, Nicholas DeForest, Florence Bonnet, and Judy Lai."Behavioral Aspects in Simulating the Future US Building Energy Demand."2010 Behavior, Energy and Climate Change Conference
Stadler, Michael, Nicholas DeForest, Florence Bonnet, Chris Marnay, Judy Lai, and Trucy Phan."Simulation of the GHG Abatement Potentials in the U.S. Building Sector by 2050."29th USAEE/IAEE Annual North American Conference, October 14-16, 2010
Stadler, Michael, Nicholas DeForest, Chris Marnay, Florence Bonnet, Judy Lai, and Trucy Phan."Simulation of the GHG Abatement Potentials in the U.S. Building Sectory By 2050."29th USAEE/IAEE Annual North American Conference, October 14-16, 2010
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