X Author: Nan Zhou
Mendes, Gonçalo, Wei Feng, Michael Stadler, Jan Steinbach, Judy Lai, Nan Zhou, Chris Marnay, Yan Ding, Jing Zhao, Zhe Tian, and Neng Zhu."Regional Analysis of Building Distributed Energy Costs and CO2 Abatement: A U.S.–China comparison."Energy and Buildings
77 (2014) 112-129. DOI
Romankiewicz, John, Chris Marnay, Nan Zhou, and Min Qu."International Microgrid Assessment: Governance, Incentives, and Experience (IMAGINE)."Energy Policy
67 (2014) 198-208. DOI
Romankiewicz, John, Chris Marnay, Nan Zhou, and Min Qu."Lessons from international experience for China's microgrid demonstration program."Energy Policy
67 (2014). DOI
Romankiewicz, John, Min Qu, Chris Marnay, and Nan Zhou."International Microgrid Assessment: Governance, INcentives, and Experience (IMAGINE)."the European Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy’s 2013 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency
Feng, Wei, Nan Zhou, Chris Marnay, Michael Stadler, and Judy Lai."Building Distributed Energy Performance Optimization for China - a Regional Analysis of Building Energy Costs and CO2 Emissions."2012 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, August 12-17, 2012
Marnay, Chris, Nan Zhou, Min Qin, and John Romankiewicz."Lessons Learned from Microgrid Demonstrations Worldwide."
Marnay, Chris, and Nan Zhou."Status of Overseas Microgrid Programs: Microgrid Research Activities in the U.S. (English version)."
(2008) 8.
Zhou, Nan, Chris Marnay, Ryan M Firestone, Weijun Gao, and Masaru Nishida."An Analysis of the DER Adoption Climate in Japan Using Optimization Results for Prototype Buildings with U.S. Comparisons."Energy and Buildings Journal
Vol. 38.Issue 12 (2006) 10.
Yang, Yongwen, Weijun Gao, Nan Zhou, and Chris Marnay."Optimal Combination of Distributed Energy System in an Eco-Campus of Japan."Second International Green Energy Conference, Ontario, Canada, June 25-29, 2006
LaCommare, Kristina Hamachi, Ryan M Firestone, Karl M Maribu, Nan Zhou, and Chris Marnay."A Model of U.S. Commercial Distributed Generation Adoption."
(2006) 113.
Zhou, Nan, Masaru Nishida, Weijun Gao, and Chris Marnay."Assessment of Distributed Energy Adoption in Commercial Buildings. Part 1: An Analysis of Policy, Building loads, Tariff Design, and Technology Development."Bulletin of The Faculty of Engineering Kyushu Sangyo University
42 (2005) 8.
Zhou, Nan, Chris Marnay, Ryan M Firestone, Weijun Gao, and Masaru Nishida."An Optimization and Assessment on DG Adoption in Japanese Prototype Buildings."International Symposium on Sustainable Development of the Asian City Environment (SDACE) 2005
Yang, Yongwen, Weijun Gao, Yingjun Ruan, Ji Xuan, Nan Zhou, and Chris Marnay."Optimal Model of Distributed Energy System by Using GAMS and Case Study."International Symposium on Sustainable Development of the Asian City Environment (SDACE) 2005
Curtil, Dimitri, Chris Marnay, Michael Stadler, Nan Zhou, Ryan M Firestone, and Judy Lai."Distributed Energy Enabling Technologies: Site Energy Simulation."
Siddiqui, Afzal S, Chris Marnay, Ryan M Firestone, and Nan Zhou."Distributed Generation with Heat Recovery and Storage."7th Annual International Association for Energy Economics European Energy Conference
(2005) 39.
Zhou, Nan, Chris Marnay, Ryan M Firestone, Weijun Gao, and Masaru Nishida."Assessment of Distributed Generation Potential in Japanse Buildings."
(2005) 7.
Yang, Yongwen, Weijun Gao, Yingjun Ruan, Nan Zhou, Ji Xuan, and Chris Marnay."Optimum Model-E-GAMS for Distributed Energy System by using GAMS Method."Journal of the Society of Heating Air-Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan (SHASE)
12 (2005) 4.