
X Author: Michael Stadler



DeForest, Nicholas, Michael Stadler, Chris Marnay, and Jonathan Donadee."Microgrid Dispatch for Macrogrid Peak-Demand Mitigation."2011 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings (2012).
Stadler, Michael, Chris Marnay, Maximillian Kloess, Gonçalo Cardoso, Gonçalo Mendes, Afzal S Siddiqui, Ratnesh Sharma, Olivier Mégel, and Judy Lai."Optimal Planning and Operation of Smart Grids with Electric Vehicle Interconnection."Journal of Energy Engineering, Special Issue: Challenges and opportunities in the 21st century energy infrastructure 138.2 (2012) 95-108. DOI


Haas, Reinhard, Hans Auer, and Michael Stadler."Introducing Competition in the Western European electricity market: A Critical Review."ENER Forum 2. Monitoring the progress of the implementation of the EU Gas and Electricity Directives: Are European markets becoming competitive? November 15-16, 2011 (2011).
Groissböck, Markus, Michael Stadler, and Thomas Edlinger."Work Package 1: Requirements Analysis, EnRiMa Validatoin Test Site Report for the University of Applied Science Burfenland, Pinkafeld Campus."Working Paper of Work Package 1 of the EnRiMa project. EnRiMa a reserach project withint the 7th framework programme of the European Commision (2011).