X Author: Markus Groissböck
Steen, David, Michael Stadler, Gonçalo Cardoso, Markus Groissböck, Nicholas DeForest, and Chris Marnay."Modeling of Thermal Storage Systems in MILP Distributed Energy Resource Models."Applied Energy
137 (2014) 782-792. DOI
Stadler, Michael, Markus Groissböck, Gonçalo Cardoso, and Chris Marnay."Optimizing Distributed Energy Resources and Building Retrofits with the Strategic DER- CAModel."Applied Energy
132 (2014) 556-567. DOI
Stadler, Michael, Maximillian Kloess, Markus Groissböck, Gonçalo Cardoso, Ratnesh Sharma, Mohammad Bozchalui, and Chris Marnay."Electric Storage in California's Commercial Buildings."Applied Energy Journal
Stadler, Michael, Markus Groissböck, Gonçalo Cardoso, Andreas Müller, and Judy Lai."Encouraging Combined Heat and Power in California Buildings."
Stadler, Michael, Gonçalo Cardoso, Mohammad Bozchalui, Ratnesh Sharma, Chris Marnay, Afzal S Siddiqui, and Markus Groissböck."Microgrid Modeling Using the Stochasting Distributed Energy Resources Customer Adoption Model (DER-CAM)."
Groissböck, Markus, Michael Stadler, Thomas Edlinger, Afzal S Siddiqui, Somayeh Heydari, and Eugenio Perea."The First Step for Implementing a Stochastic based Energy Management System at Campus Pinkafeld."E-nova International Congress, November 24-25, 2011
Groissböck, Markus, Michael Stadler, and Thomas Edlinger."Work Package 1: Requirements Analysis, EnRiMa Validatoin Test Site Report for the University of Applied Science Burfenland, Pinkafeld Campus."Working Paper of Work Package 1 of the EnRiMa project. EnRiMa a reserach project withint the 7th framework programme of the European Commision
Edlinger, Thomas, Michael Stadler, and Markus Groissböck."Work Package 1: Requirements Analysis, EnRiMa Validation Test Site Report for the office building ENERGYbase."Working Paper of Work Package 1 of the EnRiMa project. EnRiMa a research project within the 7th framework programme of the European Commission