X Author: Karen Herter
Herter, Karen, Josh Rasin, and Tim Perry."Development and Demonstration of the Open Automated Demand Response Standard for the Residential Sector."
Herter, Karen, Seth Wayland, and Josh Rasin."A Successful Case Study of Small Business Energy Efficiency and Demand Response with Communicating Thermostats."International Energy Program Evaluation Conference 2009
Herter, Karen, Seth Wayland, and Josh Rasin."Small Business Demand Response with Communicating Thermostats: SMUD's Summer Solutions Research Pilot."
Herter, Karen, and Seth Wayland."Technology Evaluation of Programmable Communicating Thermostats with Radio Broadcast Data System Communications."
Herter, Karen."Residential implementation of critical peak pricing of electricity."Energy Policy
34 (2006) 2121-2130.
Herter, Karen, Patrick McAuliffe, and Arthur H Rosenfeld."Observed Temperature Effects on Hourly Residential Electric Load Reduction in Response to an Experimental Critical Peak Pricing Tariff."Energy
Levy, Roger, Karen Herter, and John Wilson."Unlocking the potential for efficiency and demand response through advanced metering."2004 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Herter, Karen, Patrick McAuliffe, and Arthur H Rosenfeld."Cost-effectiveness of price response in the residential sector: Preliminary findings from the California experience."3rd International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Domestic Appliances and Lighting (EEDAL)
Herter, Karen, Roger Levy, John Wilson, and Arthur H Rosenfeld."Rates and technologies for mass-market demand response."2002 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings