X Author: Junqiao Han Dudley
Olsen, Daniel, Nance Matson, Michael D Sohn, Cody Rose, Junqiao Han Dudley, Sasank Goli, Sila Kiliccote, Marissa Hummon, David Palchak, Paul Denholm, Jennie Jorgenson, and Ookie Ma."Grid Integration of Aggregated Demand Response, Part 1: Load Availability Profiles and Constraints for the Western Interconnection."
Piette, Mary Ann, Sila Kiliccote, and Junqiao Han Dudley."Field Demonstration of Automated Demand Response for Both Winter and Summer Events in Large Buildings in the Pacific Northwest."Energy Efficiency
(2012). DOI
Kiliccote, Sila, Mary Ann Piette, James D Fine, Oren Schetrit, Junqiao Han Dudley, and Heather Langford."LEED Demand Response Credit: A Plan for Research towards Implementation."2012 Greenbuild Conference & Expo
Wikler, Greg, Phil Martin, Bo Shen, Girish Ghatikar, Chun Chun Ni, and Junqiao Han Dudley."Addressing Energy Demand through Demand Response: International Experiences and Practices."
Page, Janie, Sila Kiliccote, Junqiao Han Dudley, Mary Ann Piette, Albert K Chiu, Bashar Kellow, Edward Koch, and Paul Lipkin."Automated Demand Response Technology Demonstration Project for Small and Medium Commercial Buildings."
Ghatikar, Girish, Mary Ann Piette, K Sydny Fujita, Aimee T McKane, Junqiao Han Dudley, Anthony Radspieler Jr, KC Mares, and Dave Shroyer."Demand Response and Open Automated Demand Response Opportunities for Data Centers."
(2010) 56.
Dudley, Junqiao Han, Douglas R Black, Michael G Apte, Mary Ann Piette, and Pam M Berkeley."Comparison of Demand Response Performance with an EnergyPlus Model in a Low Energy Campus Building."2010 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Kiliccote, Sila, Mary Ann Piette, and Junqiao Han Dudley."Northwest Open Automated Demand Response Technology Demonstration Project."
Granderson, Jessica, Junqiao Han Dudley, Sila Kiliccote, and Mary Ann Piette."Chilled Water Storage System and Demand Response at the University of California at Merced."9th International Conference for Enhanced Building Operations, November 17-18, 2009
Kiliccote, Sila, Mary Ann Piette, and Junqiao Han Dudley."Northwest Open Automated Demand Response Technology Demonstration."
Kiliccote, Sila, Junqiao Han Dudley, Mary Ann Piette, Edward Koch, and Dan Hennage."Open Automated Demand Response for Small Commercial Buildings."
Yamaguchi, Nobuyuki, Junqiao Han Dudley, Girish Ghatikar, Sila Kiliccote, Mary Ann Piette, Hiroshi Asano, and Junqiao Han."Regression Models for Demand Reduction based on Cluster Analysis of Load Profiles."IEEE-PES/IAS Conference on Sustainable Alternative Energy
Dudley, Junqiao Han, Mary Ann Piette, Sila Kiliccote, and Junqiao Han."Field Test Results of Automated Demand Response in a Large Office Building."8th International Conference on EcoBalance
Dudley, Junqiao Han, Mary Ann Piette, and Junqiao Han."Solutions for Summer Electric Power Shortages: Demand Response and Its Application in Air Conditioning and Refrigerating Systems."Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, & Electric Power Machinery
29 (2008) 1-4.