X Author: J A.Pecas Lopes
Heleno, Miguel, Manuel A Matos, and J A.Pecas Lopes."Availability and Flexibility of Loads for the Provision of Reserve."IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
6.2 (2015) 667 - 674. DOI
Heleno, Miguel, Manuel A Matos, J A.Pecas Lopes, and J P Iria."Estimating the flexible residential load using appliances availability."2014 IEEE 8th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO)2014 IEEE 8th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO2014)
(2014). DOI
Heleno, Miguel, Manuel A Matos, and J A.Pecas Lopes."Availability of thermal loads to provide reserve services."2013 IEEE Grenoble PowerTech2013 IEEE Grenoble Conference
(2013). DOI