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Lee, Eleanor S, Christoph Gehbauer, Brian E Coffey, Andrew McNeil, Michael Stadler, and Chris Marnay."Integrated control of dynamic facades and distributed energy resources for energy cost minimization in commercial buildings."Solar Energy
122 (2015) 1384–1397. DOI
Mashayekh, Salman, Wei Feng, Chris Marnay, C Birk Jones, Matthew Robinson, Hans Barsun, Leila Ghanbari, and Andrea A Mammoli."Software-as-a-Service Optimal Scheduling of New Mexico Buildings."European Council on an Energy Efficient Economy 2015 Summer Study
Yin, Rongxin, Girish Ghatikar, Ranjit Deshmukh, and Aamir Hussain Khan."Findings from an Advanced Demand Response Smart Grid Project to Improve Electricity Reliability in India."India Smart Grid Week 2015
Mendes, Gonçalo, Wei Feng, Michael Stadler, Jan Steinbach, Judy Lai, Nan Zhou, Chris Marnay, Yan Ding, Jing Zhao, Zhe Tian, and Neng Zhu."Regional Analysis of Building Distributed Energy Costs and CO2 Abatement: A U.S.–China comparison."Energy and Buildings
77 (2014) 112-129. DOI
Romankiewicz, John, Chris Marnay, Nan Zhou, and Min Qu."International Microgrid Assessment: Governance, Incentives, and Experience (IMAGINE)."Energy Policy
67 (2014) 198-208. DOI
Romankiewicz, John, Chris Marnay, Nan Zhou, and Min Qu."Lessons from international experience for China's microgrid demonstration program."Energy Policy
67 (2014). DOI
DeForest, Nicholas, Gonçalo Mendes, Michael Stadler, Wei Feng, Judy Lai, and Chris Marnay."Optimal Deployment of Thermal Energy Storage Under Diverse Economic and Climate Conditions."Applied Energy
119 (2014) 488-496. DOI
Saxena, Samveg, Nihar Shah, Iván Dario Bedoya, and Amol A Phadke."Understanding Optimal Engine Operating Strategies for Gasoline-Fueled HCCI Engines using Crank-Angle Resolved Exergy Analysis."Applied Energy
114 (2014) 155-163. DOI
DeForest, Nicholas, Gonçalo Mendes, Michael Stadler, Wei Feng, Judy Lai, and Chris Marnay."Thermal Energy Storage for Electricity Peak-demand Mitigation: A Solution in Developing and Developed World Alike."ECEEE 2013 Summer Study 3–8 June 2013, Belambra Les Criques, France
Romankiewicz, John, Min Qu, Chris Marnay, and Nan Zhou."International Microgrid Assessment: Governance, INcentives, and Experience (IMAGINE)."the European Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy’s 2013 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency
Feng, Wei, Nan Zhou, Chris Marnay, Michael Stadler, and Judy Lai."Building Distributed Energy Performance Optimization for China - a Regional Analysis of Building Energy Costs and CO2 Emissions."2012 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, August 12-17, 2012
Wikler, Greg, Phil Martin, Bo Shen, Girish Ghatikar, Chun Chun Ni, and Junqiao Han Dudley."Addressing Energy Demand through Demand Response: International Experiences and Practices."
Shen, Bo, Chun Chun Ni, Girish Ghatikar, and Lynn K Price."What China Can Learn from International Experiences in Developing a Demand Response Program."ECEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry
Marnay, Chris, Nicholas DeForest, and Judy Lai."A Green Prison: The Santa Rita Jail Campus Microgrid."
Marnay, Chris, Nan Zhou, Min Qin, and John Romankiewicz."Lessons Learned from Microgrid Demonstrations Worldwide."
Yang, Yongwen, Weijun Gao, Yingjun Ruan, Nan Zhou, Ji Xuan, and Chris Marnay."Optimum Model-E-GAMS for Distributed Energy System by using GAMS Method."Journal of the Society of Heating Air-Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan (SHASE)
12 (2005) 4.