Eastern Interconnection Situational Awareness Monitoring System (ESAMS)
Eastern Interconnection Situational Awareness Monitoring System (ESAMS)
Providing situational awareness for grid events that can be seen across the Eastern Interconnection

Background and Motivation
Oscillations can affect the behavior of the entire U.S. electricity interconnection system. Yet, while transmission grid operators have excellent visibility within their footprints, real-time situational awareness outside their footprint is lacking.
In early 2022, the ESAMS real-time notification system successfully demonstrated the value of real-time notifications of forced oscillations to operators, one of the main focuses of critical grid phenomena. ESAMS collects and integrates synchrophasor measurements from throughout the interconnection in real time to produce never-before-seen visibility of the grid phenomena.

This novel new system provides a supplemental source of information on the health of the grid using information that goes well-beyond the capabilities of conventional supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems and energy management systems (EMS). The project was hosted by PJM and was conducted in partnership with the largest US grid operators in the Eastern Interconnection, also including ISO-NE, MISO, NYISO, Southern Co, SPP, and TVA.
This work is intended to demonstrate an interconnection-wide, high-level, synchrophasor-based monitoring system for the Eastern Interconnection.
This project was funded by the US Department of Energy Office of Electricity.
Featured Publications
- Neeraj Nayak, Electric Power Group, Lead
- Jim Follum, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Lead
- Simon Mo, Electric Power Group
- Ken Martin, Electric Power Group
- Song Xue, Electric Power Group
- Horacio Silva-Saravia, Electric Power Group
- Jay Chen, Electric Power Group
- Nicholas Betzsold, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- Shuchismita Biswas, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- Tianzhixi Yin, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory